Weekly Review | 15- 21 June 2024

June 25, 2024by toleg.work

Over the past 3 months, the S&P 500 Index has grown by +4.2%.

However, Information Technology (+13.5%) та Utilities (+9.4%) sectors performed better.

Among the industries, the best performers over the period were Independent Power And Renewable Electricity Producers (+26%), and Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment (+25%). Among the companies, the best performers over the period were First Solar (+69%), Nvidia (+38%) and Teradyne (+33%).

The data in the quarterly reports indicate that an investment in First Solar will pay off in 15 years. Nvidia in 58 years. And Teradyne in 32 (we are looking at a company’s ability to generate revenue today – everything can change in the future).

*surprise – % ratio between actual and expected revenue
**growth – % ratio of the amount of revenue for the last 4 quarters compared to this value calculated for the previous quarter

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